Line break detection systems

Line break detection systems

With the increasing development of gas consumption in the country, gas transmission lines that transport millions of cubic meters of gas per day from production centers to homes for consumption have been expanded and developed in all parts of the country due to the explosiveness of gas and the dangers of gas leakage. These pipes, which are great sources of energy and national capital, are also a major source of danger. Numerous factors such as earthquakes, floods, soil movement, mechanical shocks, decay, weakening of pipe welds and longitudinal and transverse stresses weaken the pipe and as a result, in weakened places, the mouthpiece will open and break. As a result, the gas is released from the fracture site into the open space with high pressure and intensity. Due to the high pressure and large volume of gas in the transmission lines, the slightest spark will be enough to cause an irreparable catastrophe that causes loss. Amounts of national wealth, waste of gas and destruction of facilities around the accident, environmental pollution and possibly casualties.

Although in different stages of design, pipe selection and installation of pipelines, efforts are made to strictly observe the standards to minimize the possibility of line breakage and its impact on the environment, but with all these measures, because the fracture accident Pipelines are unpredictable and unavoidable, so preventive measures should be taken to reduce the damage in these situations. These measures include the installation of line break valves at regular intervals along the pipelines. These devices (LBV) detect it immediately after a break in the pipeline and command the automatic shut-off valves (GAS OVER OIL ACTUATOR) Upstream and downstream exports the broken part. In this way, the broken part is isolated from the rest of the pipeline and while reducing the amount of wasted gas that is discharged into the air, the possibility of fire and injuries is reduced. Fracture detectors are only sensitive to pipeline rupture to the extent that they can discharge gas at a flow rate approximately equal to the normal flow of the line into the air, and perforation of the pipe, which causes fewer settlements, is not detectable by this method. The use of pipeline leak detectors is specified in periodic inspections, which are usually carried out annually, and action is taken to eliminate them.